Emergence is constantly evolving

A taste of what’s coming up

The Changing Room: Monthly Meet-up

Small group online check-in to support ourselves as we navigate change in a changing world so we can keep showing up to do the work which is ours to do.

See you in the Emergence Zoom Room.

3rd Sunday of the Month 2024

6pm-8pm GMT

With Artists/Guides Fern Smith & Philip Ralph

More information

Nantstock 2024: A Tiny Festival of Emergence

Festival of Emergence open to all on the mailing list including Artists in Residence at The Barn and those who have collaborated or undertaken a rite of passage with us.

An inspiring and spacious retreat/micro-festival; A week of connection, creativity and community.

7th – 14th August 2024
Dyfi Valley, Mid Wales, UK

With Host Facilitators Fern Smith & Philip Ralph and the Emergence Community!

More information

From Pitch To Pilot: Retreats for Mid-career Screenwriters

An immersive week-long retreat living and working together with four other experienced screenwriters

7th – 14th September 2024
Dyfi Valley, Mid Wales, UK

With Screenwriter/Facilitator Philip Ralph

More information

See full list of upcoming events and retreats

The Barn

The Emergence Centre for Residencies, Retreats & Workshops

Self-catering accommodation with studio/working space, ideal for writer’s retreats, solo and small group residencies, dance and performance research and development, or simply for time and space out for creative dreaming.

More information

Emergence is an art, facilitation and ritual practice led by Fern Smith and Philip Ralph

We consciously seek to embody the values we treasure in the hope that a more creative, caring and compassionate planet might be our next r/evolution.

Emergence has nurtured and created spaces for dialogue, inspiration and change since 2010.

We make art, and facilitate transformative processes with and for individuals and groups.

Space for Transformation
RETREATS & Rites of Passage

Deep work for the inner realms of mind, soul, spirit, personal transformation and healing utilising nature-based ceremony and ritual.

Time for a Change
Workshops & Facilitation

Deep awareness work for the outer realms, group and organisational change, conflict resolution and community-building utilising creative and cutting-edge group facilitation processes.

The Re-enchantment Project
Artwork & Events

Practising the Art of Living with pop-up, participatory projects with the guiding principle that ‘everyone is an artist’.

The world is changing.
How can we change with it?

Our vision for Emergence is to support the transformation we need to make in order to meet the challenges ahead of us.