The Re-enchantment Project is dedicated to practising the art of living within the ecological limits of a finite planet.
This work is inspired by radical change-makers and creatives, first and foremost, by the work of writer and artist Suzi Gablik.

This work is devotional, specific to place, sits lightly on the earth and invites maximum participation.
Emergence makes art based on place, time, and ceremony, which interacts creatively with the spirit of the depths and the spirit of the times in service to a life-sustaining planet.
Sometimes we undertake walks or pilgrimages and create rituals as works of art. Sometimes we organise spontaneous gatherings and events involving creative acts of prayerful activism, intentionality and re-connection to earth and place.
This work brings the individual and combined art practices of Fern Smith and Philip Ralph into connection with the principles and methodology of Emergence.
Under the umbrella of The Re-enchantment Project, a number of art happenings and interventions have taken place and, if conditions conspire, will take place in future. We respond to invitations and create opportunities to present and offer these where we can. Offerings include –

The One Eyed Man
Pop-up, stand-up storytelling and contemporary wisdom stories by Philip Ralph.

Women Dancing
Women dancing, representing a conscious RitualArtworK in a secret location at dawn on the Spring Equinox to Patti Smith’s iconic album ‘Horses.’

Conversations Before the End of Time
Re-plays with living artists of interviews with Suzi Gablik from the 1995 art classic, ‘Conversations Before The End of Time.’

Doin’ Dirt Time
Re-play of a provocative conversation between Suzi Gablik and artists Rachel Dutton and Rob Olds – the catalyst for Gablik’s book on ecological and spiritual collapse: ‘Conversations Before The End of Time.’

Gatherings at the Turning of the Year
Pop-up events and RitualArtworKs marking the Solstices, Equinoxes and the four quarter festivals of the year: Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain.

7 Sundays in Spring
Women artists celebrate the 7 Sundays of Lent in a series of art-and-dialogue actions, culminating in an all-night vigil ending on Easter Day.
The Conversations Before the End of Time were such an engagingly facilitated space to listen to ideas, reflections and concerns from a broad spectrum of artists and thinkers.
I find Fern’s approach – her willingness to side-step the normal and take unexpected paths – incredibly invigorating. She has an amazing ability not just to involve people but to support them to take big steps to change.
I have been so affected by my engagement with your work, Fern, both creatively and personally. You have helped me to find a voice for my creative practice, something that I have been struggling with for a long time. Thank you.