‘Space for Transformation’ is what we call Emergence’s individual and group work to support and guide deep transformative change processes.
This work involves offering rites of passage in nature whilst also empowering people to create their own ‘self-generated ceremonies.’
We work with a model of the three ‘phases’ of a Rite of Passage: Severance or Separation, a liminal phase of Threshold and finally, Incorporation. We work with both women and men (and those who identify as either or neither), sometimes together, sometimes in single gender groups.
Outlined below are some of the Rite of Passage processes we are currently guiding.
If you’re interested in one of these or require more information contact us.
Deep Nature Quest
A formative Rite of Passage in Nature preparing for and incorporating a four day and night solo fast.
Deep Nature Quest is a powerful ceremony involving a full four day and night solo in nature. We connect to our deepest nature and the body of the earth, commiting ourselves to life, calling for support and guidance to become the person we were born to be.
The Deep Nature Quest is referred to by many names (e.g Solo Fast in Nature, Vision Quest, Solo Quest). In various forms, this powerful practice has been at the heart of all nature-cherishing people, societies and cultures. It involves time spent alone, fasting on the land, opening ourselves to the call of the living earth and communing with the elements of earth, air, fire, water and spirit.
Space for Change
A Rite of Passage in Nature including one dawn until dusk solo walk or an overnight solo fast.
Space for Change is a unique form of guided retreat including an overnight solo or a dawn until dusk walk on the land. It includes guided nature-based practices, ‘intentional walks,’ personal and group processes and opportunities to create self-generated ceremonies.
Space for Change offers an introduction to nature-based ceremony whilst being a powerful initiatory practice in itself. We offer a combination of structure and guidance (with maps and models) as well as support to creatively and emergently explore your own relationship with ritual and initiatory practices.
Contact us to find out more details on how we might work with you
Fern and Phil are two of the most compassionate, generous and wise soul-facilitators I have come across.
A much-needed resource for people seeking change & growth.
Space for Change has opened a new way of perceiving nature for me and by nature, I mean everything, my own life, the landscape, food, animals, interconnection, history. It was thrilling, exquisitely beautiful and profoundly vital.
Space for Change is one of those rare and powerful opportunities to face your reality as it is; I celebrated what is truly alive in me, honoured some things that had died and shone more light on all I can be.